
spring harvest in Paris : 7


early APRIL  ::   baby turnip greens (w/ bulbs)  and parsley root

BABY TURNIPS... I wait for them impatiently while spring slowly turns the corner : the reason being  the green tops that crown them. Spring is the season for a flourish of robust, minerally leafy greens (or tops), from beets to dandelion, sorrel to young red radicchio. Wilted, either alone or as a mélange, in a bit of water and a drizzle of some good olive oil, along with a bit of garlic and pinch of peperoncino (red pepper flakes), with a final pinch of sea salt and lemon zest, a few drops of fresh lemon juice, and a twist or two  of the pepper grinder... sublime. And oh so nutritious. They burst onto the runway mid-March to mid-July. Do keep an eye out for them.

 — PARSLEY ROOT looks a lot like a small parsnip with baby parsley leaves sprouting from its head. It's been available in my favorite natural food store  le Retour à la nature since early March... dwindling down now. Grated into a salad with a circus of other roots and spring greens and herbs aint' a bad use of it. Another is roasting it cubed and generously olive-oiled in a baking dish with a film of water in a not too hot oven until soft. A sprinkle of salt as you pull it from the heat and pop them into your mouth while pipping hot.

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